Featured Photo by Teddy Kelley

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We are excited about growing our branded content and providing more people with the kind of high-quality specialized content they are looking for and want in their lives. The kind of quality content we like putting our name behind. Content that can be trusted to be honest, factual, reliable and of the highest quality and focus.

Isn’t what you read and see nothing more than ‘food for the mind’? In your regular diet you can certainly live on fast food but why would you want to? So much of what you read online these days is only designed to grab your attention long enough to put a click advertisement in front of you hoping you’ll click it, or double click it. We call that the ‘double trick click game‘ and its nothing more than a gathering of your information for sale.

These advertising gurus don’t care if you got anything out of the Headline Story or not – they got your ‘click, it’s sold and they got what they wanted but what about You? You didn’t “feel” the content, you didn’t get anything out of it and it was a waste of your time simply because of some ‘Cold Blast Attention Headline’.

Well, guess what? ‘Fast-food media’ is certainly not what we are all about. On the contrary, you’ll find thoughtful well-written content and visual media that is excellent food for the brain, the eye, the heart, and the soul.

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We are currently publishing topics that cover a wide variety of genres under Precocious Life©, but our topic genre will expand and be various which will include a myriad of sections such as; Precocious Legal©, Precocious Adventure©, Precocious Travel©, Precocious Dining©, Precocious Epicurean©, Precocious Politics©, Precocious Family©, Precocious Spiritual©, Precocious Social©, Precocious World©, Precocious News©, Precocious Technology©, Precocious Science©, Precocious Politics©, Precocious American©, Precocious Child©, Precocious One©, Precocious Philosophy©, Precocious Health©, Precocious Celebrity©, Precocious Art©, Precocious Philanthropy©, Precocious Sports©, Precocious Citizen©, Precocious Woman©, Precocious Man©, Precocious Entertainment©, Precocious Faith©, and more.

You get the gist! Whatever the genre may be if it’s got the name Precocious in front of it then it is guaranteed to be something of substance that you are hopefully going to love and feel good about in your bones. Tell us what you think and which topics are important to you! We want to leave you with a ‘Lift’, a reason to feel something. You deserve it and we are going to Deliver it to ya!

See the wonderful and interesting Articles and stories at We’re moving up and guess who’s taking us there? You Are!!!!!

We are spreading our Precocious Wings©!

So, if you are as excited as we are about what we are doing please leave us a comment below. If you have a genre that you think we should cover please let us know. This is an adventure for all of us.

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Precocious Life


  1. “Gator” as in Litigator which at one time I most certainly was – and still do from time to time.

    It is always a supreme compliment to me when people like these stories because I want to give our members something to walk away with. I hope I have done that.

    Waas D’Chevelier

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